Monday, July 10, 2006

First post

Welcome! I've always been down on blogs because I didn't understand why anyone would care about the details of my life. I'm not interested in reading other people's blogs so why would they want to read mine.

Well I think I came up with a reason to start a blog about consumer electronics especially mobile devices, partly for myself and partly for others. I try quite a few devices and do a lot of research to get the right device for me and make it work how I want. I needed a place to keep track of my thoughts on the devices I use, the hacks/mods I make to them, software I use, etc. This will be a good reference for me, and perhaps for other people online looking for similar info. I think it will be a lot easier to keep up with by just entering my thoughts as they come w/o worrying about a formal website.

So, this is a bit of a personal experiment. It will probably not be very detailed at first; it might never be very detailed. There should be a lot of posts about various devices and accessories. There might even be some personal posts. We'll just see what it evolves into.

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