Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wii boxing fun

It truly seems that Nintendo is achieving its goals for the Wii. People of all types seem to enjoy it. We took the Wii to some Christmas parties this last weekend. Wii Sports was enjoyed by all. The video below is of our mother and one of her friends enjoying a friendly boxing match. They wouldn't normally play video games, but they seemed to have a lot of fun. (I think the rest of us enjoyed watching them play more though.)

The other big hit was the Photo Channel. This turned out to be a great way for everyone to enjoy the Christmas photos together.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Zelda: Twilight Princess gameplay

This is a short video showing the sword and bow controls in Twilight Princess. I think you'll see that only small motions are necessary, and it works quite well.

Monday, December 04, 2006

A Couple of Wii Videos

Here are a couple of videos. The first shows how the pointer tracks as you move the Wiimote. This is an attempt to show how close the pointer is to where you are actually pointing and how quickly it responds to fast movements.

Wiimote pointer

The second video is of the SNES game F-Zero being played on the Virtual Console. This game is one of my all time favorites.


The Wii.....finally!

Finally, two weeks after launch, I managed to track down a Wii. I found out that ToysRUs would have 51 for sale Sunday morning. I arrived at a little after 6 AM, 3 hours before opening, and was 24th in line. The line swelled to probably more than 70 before the manager handed out tickets around 7:20. The ticket allowed us to pick up the Wii anytime before 1 PM. Excellent! We even got to form the line in the lobby instead of outside in the bitter cold. Thank you ToysRUS!!