Bluetooth headsets and Treo 700w
I'll start with the current device issue and later try to catch up with past devices. I'm currently trying to find a bluetooth headset that works well with the Treo 700W. As it turns out this isn't an easy task. The bluetooth radio on the Treo is known to be weak. I hoped that moving to BT 2.0 would give better clarity and range. We'll see. These are the ones I've tried....
2) Jabra BT350V (top middle) - poor fit on ear and very low volume, unusable
3) Jabra BT500 (left) - update to BT250, not any better, about the same
4) Motorola H605 (top right) - behind the ear fit like the Jabra 250 and 500 which I like, horrible outgoing voice quality, I was told I sounded like my face was in a pillow(which it wasn't), pairing unreliable, terrible!
5) Motorola H500 (bottom middle) - update to Motorola HS820 which I owned over a year ago and loved before accidentally washing it :( Good ear fit, solid performer except someone complained about the audio having a weird ring and tinny sound. I like it though.
Through all this though, I'm still getting only moderately better range on some of the 2.0 devices. The H500 is really close except for the complaints.
At this point I'm about ready to get all my money back and just use my original Jabra. I loved it until I got the Treo. However, one more attempt.....the Palm Treo Bluetooth Headset. Some have said online that this actually works well with the Treo. ( It's on order and scheduled to arrive Wednesday. I'll report on that later.
I sure hope it works, b/c I'm sick of all these headsets!
Hahahaha. So you do listen after all! :) Good call on trying one more headset (no pun intended). I look forward to the reviews!!
oops - SC is "the way life should be." I forgot: ME is "vacationland!" :)
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